So Be It

It’s sad this shit does not shock me anymore.
It does not move me.
It effects me, NOT, anymore.
You really want to know why the sense of family is fucked in this nation?
It’s because mothers are quicker to tell their daughters fuck you but slow to say I love you.
It’s because fathers and sons have become too homophobic to show each other love because “men don’t do that,”
love but never show it,
never let them know it;
then wonder…why,
their children turn to the streets.
It’s because LOVE is something that disappears from within the homes early on,
so the streets is the only place left to seek it from…
But if you…
learn to love yourself,
codependent-never on anyone else,
you’ll see you yourself,
is all you need to be with.
Hopefully that within
radiates without
and the,
universe gives you a return on your investment,
but if not…
So be it.

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